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A Time to Be Born and a Time to Die painting by Caterina Lionti"A Time to Be Born and a Time to Die
22" X 31" Original Mixed Media

Predestination (also linked with foreordination) is a religious concept, which involves the relationship between the beginning of things and its destiny. Predestination in its religious nature, distinguishes it from other ideas concerning determinism, free will, and related concepts. In particular, predestination concerns God's decision to determine ahead of time what the destiny of individuals will be and also includes all of Creation. According to Hebrews 9:27 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” A date with death, predestined from conception, creatures of free will, what is your opinion?



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The Lionti Gallery
P.O. Box 49101
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32240

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